October 18, 2014


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This week flew by, surprisingly. And we get to pick our girl up tomorrow! I can't wait to give her the biggest hug!

Along with having some quiet time during the week, my guy ended up not having class all week and had an extra day home from work giving us lots of "us time". I cooked dinner a few times, worked on L's Halloween costume, we caught up on some favorite TV shows and celebrated my passing grade on the glucose test with a dinner out!

I have to say that I've been exhausted, still sick and so achy lately that our week was pretty chill and there was lots of "taking it easy" time while the hubby has been working his magic putting together the crib and painting the room again. There's nothing like painting a room to figure out that it isn't working and you need a new plan!

I'm looking forward to a simple new week and settling back into our usual routine. Also, hello third trimester!

Happy weekending, xo!

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