October 6, 2014


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Around here lately....

I've been a sick mess for a few weeks. Being pregnant is a huge blessing, but what mama would do for some antibiotics right now. Its some kind of head cold piled on with some sinuses and that crazy breathing trouble I had last Fall and a nasty cough to boot. It's just something I can't seem to kick.

But on the bright side, Nicolas is right on track with everything and we're up to OB visits twice a week. And I'm pretty sure I've decided to schedule a c-section for several medical and personal reasons after a few chats with my OB and M. January will be here too soon!

Lia is...well, Lia! I realized recently that she spends the majority of her time with adults (us, of course) and play dates and time with friends just hasn't been a big happening lately and sometimes I really notice it when she talks to us like she's our age. And the sass? I'm really hoping that goes away before the teenage years. But really, she's still being the funniest, craziest, cutest thing we've got going on. She's making big strides in ballet and all of her teachers say she's really coming out of her shell this year.

I finally found some mini pumpkins and yesterday we went to a local Oktoberfest on the most perfect Fall day. I'll post soon about our past few weekends but for now, this is it. I've been so tired the past week I think I could just literally sleep one whole week away. But since that isn't happening, I've got a date with the sofa now.

Happy Monday!


  1. white pumpkins are our favorite!
    muted green a close second!

    hope you feel well soon!

    1. The white ones are my favorite too!

      And thank you! I am starting to feel better so I'll take it :)


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