October 2, 2015


It's Friday! You guys, it's finally Friday and I get two whole days with my loves all together. The weather may rain out our weekend plans but we've got a laundry room project happening, a new set of laundry machines being delivered tomorrow and the promise of a great season ahead.

I've got so much on my plate and I feel a bit out of sorts but life is good and happy and well.

Nico had his checkup this week! Turns out, what he had is so rare that his doctor only sees about one case a year and we were the lucky winners. But, the good news is the doctor says he's recovered so well he can't even tell there was a problem to begin with.

And on that note, he now climbs up the stairs and laughs at me because he knows he's doing something wrong.

L has been sick for over a week and missed the past two days of school but she's back today and pretty happy about it! It was jeans day and in true Lia fashion - she opted for leggings and a skirt. She's getting so excited about Halloween and has helped me come up with a great idea for costumes. I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe it'll be a family affair this year.

M and I both finish up one of our school semesters in about two weeks. It won't lighten my load too much since another starts the week after BUT, it's one step closer to my degree. College wasn't what I expected but I'm doing it.

So, here's to a calmer next week and all of the laundry just magically putting itself away!

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