April 28, 2011

a blog award.

One - I miss you!
Two - I am sorry it took me this long to thank you for the award.
Three - Thanks! It is always so sweet when you pass these along to me!

The rules:
Say 10 facts about yourself.
Tag 10 bloggers.
Tell them about the award.

1. I am the most disorangzized person who truly craves organiztion. It's really insane that I can be so messy and out of sorts when I am the happiest when everything is nice and neat.
2. I really really want another baby. Even on the days when mine drives me up a wall.
3. I've got an obsession with skinny jeans, flat & colorful sandals, cardis and white tshirts right now.
4. Sometimes, I eat L's gerber snacks along with her. They are actually pretty tasty and low cal!
5. When I find a new song I like, I'll just replay it over and over. It drives M a little nuts, I think.
6. My dad doesn't understand blogging. He just asked me what I was doing, I anwersed blogging and he said "oh, playing on the computer?". Yes dad, I am playing on the computer. Aren't parents funny?
7. I could go to Target everyday just to hunt down new clearance deals.
8. My new iPhone is pretty much glued to my hands 24/7. It's obsessive really.
9. I hate slow drivers. Everyone in NC drives slow. My horn is getting a lot of use here. And people don't blow their horns here so I get alot of hand motions for that!
10. I have this new dream where I want to start running. Let's see how far that goes!

I'm going to be lazy and not tag this time around!

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